The big question when it comes to buying your first or next home: how much home can I afford? There are a lot of financial and situational factors that play into this question. By getting pre-approved by a lender, you can get a clearer picture of what you can shop for. 

What Does it Mean to Get Pre-Approved? 

A lender will look at your credit score, income, assets, debt, etc., and determine what kind of loan—and how much—you can obtain. Once you have been pre-approved, the lender will give you a letter verifying this information which you can share with realtors and sellers to submit a more serious offer. With HomeLend Mortgage, this pre-approval letter is good for 60 days (about 2 months). 

When Should I Get Pre-Approved? 

You should get pre-approved before starting your home search. Knowing how much you will be approved for will help you figure out how much home you can afford and thus narrow down your options. It will also put you ahead of other prospective buyers who don’t have pre-approval letters in hand. 

How Can I Get Started? 

We made our pre-approval process as simple as possible. With our digital application, you can get pre-approved right from your smartphone. Our mortgage bankers analyze your creditworthiness in just a matter of minutes and can get you a pre-approval letter fast. 

If you’re ready to get started, you can fill out your application here