Is it still possible? You bet! We’re entering what’s normally the popular time to buy a home and move, and with rates this low, there are even more advantages to buying right now.

Social distancing regulations are in place to keep us safe, not to completely shut us down. It is surely possible to move safely and swiftly while abiding by CDC guidelines.

Digital Walkthroughs

You can put your home on display or experience your options via video chat. It’s as simple as setting up an appointment. It also gives you a one-on-one experience with the property that you don’t always get with an open house.

Your Home Loan

Borrowers with stellar credit and financial history won’t have a hard time qualifying for a loan. With our current rates, it could be a great financial move to look into a new mortgage. Once you found your dream destination, you can still qualify for a mortgage.

Closing During COVID

Though not all parts of your closing can be done digitally, it’s still a safe and seamless process. More on that here.


Plenty of moving companies are still open and operating safely, so you don’t have to rely on your friends and family for favors. Our only recommendation is a generous tip. Moving is hard work even without a face covering and rubber gloves!


Moving to a new state? Depending on where you’re going, you should still be able to safely drive across borders. Airports are still open and running plenty of flights if you need to travel far, and the volume on those flights are way down.  Overall, we suggest checking with your current, new, and any other states you’re passing through to see what guidelines they are enforcing. It’s always best to be prepared!

Even with present circumstances, moving to your dream destination can be as simple as always. Health is everyone’s priority, so everyone is making sure to adhere to their local government and CDC guidelines.

Ready to get started? Call or click to get a free quote and start your application now!