Regardless of the current conditions, spring has sprung in the northern hemisphere. While many of us are cooped up indoors for our own safety, we may find it useful to clean, especially if someone has been sick in the last few weeks. Here are some spots around your house to consider targeting for your spring cleaning endeavors. 


The technology in your house is a prime spot for the transfer of germs. We suggest wiping down the most-used electronics in your home: TV remote, cell phone, laptop, keyboard, mouse, printer, gaming consoles, etc. 

Common Spaces 

The spots around your house that people touch the most need to be disinfected the most often. Make sure you consider the little things that you use every day like light switches, door handles, countertop surfaces, and faucets. According to the CDC, COVID19 can survive on these surfaces for up to 3 days. Even if you couldn’t get any disinfectant wipes or sprays, soap and water will still work just fine! 

Soft Surfaces 

Items like drapes, rugs, throw blankets, tablecloths, and pillows should probably be tossed in the wash. Double check their tags to ensure you have the correct was settings. If you have a pet or keep your shoes on in the house, your carpet flooring may need a good shampoo.  

The Kids’ Toys 

It’s mind-boggling how many things little kids get their hands on in one day. Their toys are going to need some TLC. Action figures or other hard plastic items will need to be washed by hand – hot water and soap will do the trick. Smaller items like building blocks can go on the top shelf of your dishwasher in a mesh bag so the pieces don’t get lost. You can likely put most of the plush toys in the washer, just check the tags first.